Thursday, May 13, 2010

more photos for your enjoyment...

3 cute kiddos, my fire pit, our new scotty built pathway, and lettuce in my garden.
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more photos for your enjoyment...

3 cute kiddos, my fire pit, our new scotty built pathway, and lettuce in my garden.

rain, rain,

please do stay.
you are making my garden oh so lovely.
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kindergarten roundup

charleigh attended kindergarten roundup today. i cant believe my sweet little girl is almost a schooler (as she refers to it). time flies. almost time to go back-pack shopping for her. ill have a 5th grader and a kindergartner and 2 at home. cant wait!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

police cutbacks

pink slips went out yesterday. 8 officers are officially laid off, thats 22%. way big bummer for our our community. thankfully the hubz placed a 21 page application 2 weeks ago, and is taking a 3 hour test today. both for different jobs. please keep your fingers crossed!

Friday, May 7, 2010


this morning at breakfast i overheard chuck tell scott
what she wanted to get me for mothers day.
almost a whisper "daddy we need to get mom some pro flowers from .com"
i just love her!!!