Monday, November 30, 2009

hit and run

so today after picking leah up from school i got rear ended. it really was barely a bump. i was in the turn around lane on woodward getting ready to cross all lanes of traffic heading to woodward heights. my car was completely still when i heard a honk behind me then felt a bump. i was on the phone with my mom and exclaimed "holy crap! i just got rear ended." i ended the call. looking in my rear-view i saw a smallish gold car maybe a foreign model or kinda like a focus. looked new. and a car behind him. waiting until traffic was clear on woodward (a blue truck to pass by in the far right lane.) then i pulled behind, proceeding to pull into the nearest parking space right off woodward thinking the gold car would pull behind me. nope he kept on driving. he actually turned right onto woodward heights. the same route i drive home. so as i caught up to him on woodward heights i flashed my lights at him and put on my right blinker. by now i was irritated that he didnt pull over behind me on woodward. well he did pull over this time. leah wroth his licence plate # on her homework assignment. i got out of the car, walked to the back looking for any bumps on my yukon. didnt see anything. so i walked up to his car. this is when i turned into a cop. i didnt look much like one though. my hair messy in a pony, blue sweat pants and a brown zip up hoodie. (hey at least i brushed my teeth. lol) approaching the gold car i immediately looked for his hands. ya never know... i was thinking of a super sweet kung-fu move if he was a crazy gang banger with a gun. not so much. he was a grey, balding man in his 50's, with a sweater vest. so the first thing i say is "you know you hit me back there, are you okay?" and if course he responds with "no i didnt." needless to say that really pissed me off. "yeah you bumped into me in the turn around lane on woodward." he then said "i wasent even in the turn around lane." "yes you were." i rebuttaled "ive had my eye on you since you hit me." he then said that he heard the car behind him honk but he never hit me. hmm, thats weird if he wasent behind me in the turn around lane then how did he hear the car behind him toot his horn. so i pulled out my ticket book and gave him a ticket for being a liar. ok fine i didnt. but i really would have if i had a ticket book. and i still should have given him a good dose of kung-fu, eryn style. moral of the story, please dont lie to me mr. gold car. just ask if i am ok.
bald jerk!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

dollhouse findings on etsy

c.j. loves playing with her fisher price dollhouse that ama and papa got her last year for christmas. it included a family of 4, table, 2 chairs, 2 highchairs and 2 potted plants. for christmas we will be getting her more furniture to match. lately she has been using her brothers building blocks as furniture, and littlest pet shop animals as family pets. i would just love to get her these.

#1 mini 1\12 shabby pink baking table

#2 mini serving tray with sweet treats

#3 baby grand piano and bench

#4 armoire

#5 cutest ever tiny yo-yo quilt

p.s. #5 is really #1, #2 is #4 and so on. i copied them backwards. oops.

a new pet for x-mas?

leah has been begging for her own pet.
she really wants a hamster for christmas.
growing up i had hamsters, as did scott.
they were so much fun for me ,
i had all the tubes and balls and exercise wheels,
all the gear.
im just afraid the little girls will be too rough
and get bitten,
or accidentally let it out of the cage
to be prey for jager.

scott and i have been thinking maybe a ferret.
i really dont know much about them
besides being stinky,
and hiding treasures around the house.
i have learned that they can be litter box trained,
and roam the house freely and are very playful.

we have a cage in the garage that the guinea pigs (long story) once lived in.
we have also found some pretty enticing deals on craigslist.
so we wouldnt really need to spend a lot on stuff.

please let me know what you think.
do you have a ferret?
know someone who does?
how are they with kids and a dog?
does the sex of the ferret determine its temperament?
should we buy a baby as apposed to an adult?
any advise would be much appreciated.
thank you.

Monday, November 23, 2009

p. i. to the E!

made my first pumpkin pie from scratch.
cant wait for it to cool so i can dig my chompers in.
i wont be making pumpkin pie for thanksgiving, ill be making an apple pie or 2.
so i figured id make 1 today.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

alphabet art

a few christmas gift ideas i have up my sleeve. my step-dads side of the family, i really dont see all that often. i have never even seen my step brother, step sister, or step cousins childrens bedrooms. nor do i really know enough about their personalities to pick out the perfect toys. these prints are absolutely adorable and im sure will go with their bedroom decor. i have picked out letters from lindsays alphabet series. g for gabby, c for camerin, and the t's for tommy and trina. lindsay is running an awesome sale on her prints until today! so get a jump on it. @

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

its about time...

i havent blogged in over 2 months. whew, so much has happened. i guess ive been a bit too preoccupied with- well im not really sure. but from now on i will try to update with all of my everyday silly stuff that goes on around here.

sooo, on with our familys most recent news. scott shot his first deer! as a promise to my dad scott vowed to hunt with him this fall and bring leah along. my dad cant shoot a rifle this year due to having his chest cracked open and all. so they drove up north saturday, ready for opening season to open at dawn the following morning. so they geared up in their camo, guns, and orange hats, climbed up the tree blind on the land that my dad and his friend own and hunt on.

9am scott sees a doe, gets a clear shot straight to the chest and goes for it. BOOM! as it was told to me, the deer sprung up on her hind legs, gave out a ghastly grunting moan, and flopped to the ground. leah was ecstatic. coolest thing she had ever seen. i was sure she was going to be super freaked. nope not her, she wanted to see the brains. she cant wait to hunt herself when shes 12.

the next morning, my dads friend greg shot a deer. apparently he shot her through the back thigh and out the front shoulder. needless to say she didnt flop on the ground like scotts doe. she ran off leaving the slightest trail of blood. leah the bloodhound tracked the trail while everyone walked behind her. when my dad told me this, i kinda thought that really they all tracked together, but no. as scott even said later, leah was absolutely amazing and tracked the deer up and down ridges until she found the kill. she rocks.
so here we are with a freezer full of venison. i cant wait to cook some up!
congrats leah and scott, im so glad you had a fun and safe weekend.
so heres a video of the kid dragging the doe out of the woods.